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rallying cry 戰斗口號,吶喊。

rallying point

Come on england is our rallying cry to get behind our boys , so give them all your support and if all do what we can then maybe just maybe we all be smiling on the 9th july 加油英格蘭是所有支持英格蘭隊的人們共同的呼聲,我們將永遠與賽場上的小伙子們站在一起,在德國的世界杯賽場上,讓所有的人為英格蘭加油,給他們全力的支持,我們會在七月微笑著祝福心中的英格蘭!

Such an abstract rallying cry , however , could only be effective when it was rooted in a definite material program 提出了一般性的號召,還必須有具體的綱領,才能有實現的可能。

So don ' t be surprised if “ see you in court ” becomes the environmentalist ' s new rallying cry 所以,當聽到環保人士以法庭見做為最新抗爭口號,請別驚訝。